Thursday, July 8, 2010

First few days as PS86

The kids are great. I love my class. They are the sweetest kids. They will own my life this month, but it will be worth it. Today one I asked Paola if she was excited about this weekend. She said that she was happy to be spending time with her family, but that she was sad because she wouldn’t see us again until Monday. J So sweet. I think I scared the kids a little bit because as a part of the writing lesson we had a stuffed bear come out to tell a story. Well needless to say, my stuffed bear voice is pretty much the same thing as my elf voice. It caught a few of them off guard at first, but it certainly held their attention.

I think that this is certainly one of the hardest things I have ever done. We work non-stop and sleep whenever we get the chance. You are doing good if you are in bed by midnight and my alarm is set for 5:30am. This is also however a bit of an ego boost because I am making it through lesson planning significantly quicker than most and actually have time to enjoy dinner and an hour or two off each day.

I had my first interview yesterday. I am fairly optimistic about how it went, however I don’t think I will hear back from the school any time soon. The principle wasn’t really sure how many positions she was hiring for or exactly which positions she needed. We shall see. Perhaps the next two years of my life will be spent teaching middle school special education at PS118 in the Bronx.

I would love prayers for energy and patience. My slightly picky organization side is making it more challenging for me to work with my team members who just don’t think the same way as I do.

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